IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences

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IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences (IJFMTS) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2016 and is published under the Khyati Education and Research Foundation (KERF), is registered as a non-profit society (under the society registration act, 1860), Government of India with the vision of various accredited vocational courses in healthcare, education, paramedical, yoga, publication, teaching and research activity, with the aim of faster and better dissemination of knowledge, we will be more...

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8- 11

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Shamshuddin. R. Kakkeri, Khazi Mudabbir Ahmed, Sultan Rizwan Ahmad, Reshma Khan

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Knowledge and attitude of medical students toward medico- Legal autopsy

Original Article

Author Details : Shamshuddin. R. Kakkeri, Khazi Mudabbir Ahmed, Sultan Rizwan Ahmad, Reshma Khan

Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2018

Article Page : 8-11


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Introduction: Autopsy is an important research instrument to establish cause of death. In India, according to the curriculum of the Medical Council of India, a medical student should witness medico legal autopsies in the second year of MBBS. The aim of this study is to investigate the general attitude of medical students of 2nd, years MBBS towards medico-legal autopsy/Clinical autopsy.
Materials and Methods: A study was conducted in Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad in the month of April 2017. Questioner contains several questions relating to the autopsy practice, the knowledge of the procedure and attitude and perception towards postmortem examination. The questionnaires were analyzed in detail and result was represented in frequency. A total of 115 students participated in the study.
Results: About 78% students agreed that medico-legal postmortem examination is mandatory in all unnatural and suspicious deaths to know the cause of death. About 77% of students said that taking out viscera is necessary for histo-pathological examinations and toxicological analysis in cases of medico legal autopsies. Majority (87%) of the students said they should watch more postmortem examination. Only 20% of students said post mortem examination should be scrapped from medical education. Nearly 70% students said that they should actively participate in performing autopsies. Only 13% students were interested in opting specialization in Forensic Medicine. Maximum number of students i.e.92% prefer virtual autopsy.
Conclusion: Medical students should be encouraged and facilitated to watch more autopsies and their practical training of autopsies should be more effective to serve the purpose.

Keywords: Clinical autopsy, Forensic medicine, Medical education, Medico legal autopsy.

How to cite : Kakkeri S R, Ahmed K M, Ahmad S R, Khan R, Knowledge and attitude of medical students toward medico- Legal autopsy. IP Int J Forensic Med Toxicol Sci 2018;3(1):8-11

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